Fit for body, heart, mind and soul
Being fit is a very important thing because it not only helps you in your worldly tasks but it helps you in feeling good for yourself which increases your self-esteem and helps you also in mental activites and spiritual duties. Exercise, Meditation and Soul-searching is very important for emotional health. In addition, if you are fat then you gotta lose those pounds. I know it is not easy but if I can do it then I am sure you can too.. AFTER WHICH MY LIFE WAS NEVER THE SAME!! So I am here to guide you because you all mean alot to me and above all to your family.
Let me tell ya that if you are looking for a miracle in this post, you will be highly disappointed. There is no shortcut of losing weight. First of all, let me clearify this myth that vibrators or gels do wonders in weight loss, they just don't. On the contrary, they can be extremely dangerous for skin and organs. All of this either requires hardwork and will power to set out your priorities right. Nothing comes easy in life!!
Start with a plain soup diet for a week and then follow my point guide. These are some points which will help you in losing weight soon and then maintaining it too. One more thing, its a continuous daily routine process.. its a lifestyle basically.
- Drink a glass of warm water before breakfast. (I don't do it but it helps for sure)
- Cut down your intake of oil. One tbspoon of oil contains more than 160 calories. Only use vegetable oil such as oil of corn, sunflower, olive or canola. Avoid Butter!! This also means avoiding junk food, all of them have hydrogenated oil which doesn't convert into energy that easily and gets stored in your body.
- This is hard but you've to do it for sure. SAY NO TO CHIPS AND BISCUITS. Also avoid snacks which have hydrogenated vegetable oil. If you want something as a snack or dessert, try apples, citrus fruits or carrots. These keep you full and help you in losing weight, specially apples.
- Eat more whole grain foods like chapatis and limited amount of rice(this means rice not more than twice in a week). Avoid bread, tandoors and naans. More Vegetables, lentils and some Chicken, all these are good for you. Avoid Mutton and Beef. You can surely enjoy potatoes no harm in it until and unless they are in small propotions and not fried.
- This is very important. Drink a glass of water before eating your meal. DONOT DRINK A SINGLE DROP OF WATER AFTER THE MEAL FOR 20-30 MINS because it hinders your digestion process.
- Eat all three meals but in small portions and propotions, again eat fruits in between as snacks. Don't hurry, enjoy your meal. If apples, cabbage or any food helps in losing weight, it doesn't mean you can eat bowls and bowls of it. Take a light dinner so it can digest easily and fat doesn't store in your body.
- Reward yourself with a oily snack/chocolate or sweet dessert once in a week. Donot cross this limit.
- Exercise if you can and be active.
Summary: Avoid(it means tata bye cya) to anything which has oil. Chicken, Eggs and milk will provide you good amount fat so no need of eating things which are filled with oil. Every extra 500 calories that you eat will increase your weight by one pound - equivalent to 3.5 tb.spoons of oil. Eat well, don't lessen your intake by leaps and bounds but make good choices.
You will get temptations but believe me if you set your priorities right then it wont get over you. Health and eating to live than living to eat is more important. If you follow this correctly, you will see the results and you will start enjoying it, today I like apples more than samosas/burgers. I am trying this from three months and by now I have already lost 20 pounds. My waist is now 4" down. *Grins*
Any related questions will be appreciated and I will try to answer all of them. Leave as comments or mail me at
This reminds me to a tv program about dieting in the family. Someone helps a family losing their weights because their mother likes to eat everything so it will turn that bad to their children as they'll be the same as their mother, fat and not healthy. They changed the food which contains oil and fat to vegetables and fruits. So, for me, losing weight/dieting is not the matter of not eating/less eating, but eat healthy ...
I have never tried to lose my weight though. I can't be fat, maybe later when I already become a mother and have children (you know that a mother will be more fatter than before after having children, right?) :-)
LOL I will stick to grapefruit diet:P
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