Friday, November 10, 2006

One life so make most out of it.

We have one life which is filled with experiences. Every experience helps us to know ourself better and we learn not much then something from it. Then why do we don't do what we want to do? Maybe it is fear. Fear of anysort is a fear. Fears do have reasons. Reasons which are mostly illogical. Have you seen Lage Raho Munna Bhai and the song Chaar Aaney? In that movie, there was a side character, an old man who thought he has wasted his whole life with doing things which other people needed him to do. Now in his old age, he wanted to do things which he himself wanted to do. If your actions doesn't hurt or harm anyone then there is no problem in doing those things. Society is there to say things, you have to live with it but if those opinions are generalized, baseless, illogically conservative then you don't have to agree with it. Do you thing because people are there to talk rubbish so they will do it anyways. Understanding people don't. Have your stand, enjoy life but don't harm others nor URSELF!

PS: Do listen to Aaney Chaar Aaney song, if you understand urdu/hindi. Don't only listen but also ponder.


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