Friday, June 02, 2006

Hazards of Multi-Tasking

I found it very useful:

Dear Reader,
Have you ever stopped in the middle of a sentence because you lost your train of thought? That happened to me just the other day, and it was a bit embarrassing. Well, if that has happened to you, don't worry, my friend. You may not be experiencing a "senior moment" -- it was probably a case of too much multitasking.
I've been noticing more and more reports on research on the effects of too much multitasking. Evidently you can develop short-term memory problems, or have difficulty concentrating, or have gaps in your attention. And that's not to mention experiencing stress or even physical symptoms, such as a stomach ache or headache.
And it appears that trying to do two or three things at the same time or in quick succession can actually take longer than simply doing them one at a time! This is because when your attention is split, you have less "brainpower" to do each task, and it takes your brain longer to switch from one thing to another. It's rather like that old Italian proverb, "Often he who does too much does too little."
At any rate, I've developed a little game plan to help me out for those times when I start to feel overwhelmed with the quantity of tasks I need to get done. Maybe it could be helpful for you too. Here it is:
1. Make a list of those things you need to do. Be sure to cross off each one when it is done.
2. Finish what you start. The minute your mind starts drifting off to yet another task, just bring your focus back to what you are doing. If you missed putting that task on your list, write it down, and then get back to the business at hand.
3. Turn off or get away from any distractions – radio, television, phone, computer, pager, etc.
4. Take a break. You'll come back refreshed and better able to devote your full attention to the task at hand.
And remember, the first rule of focus is, "Wherever you are, be there."


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Nostalgia said...

heyz!!nice post!!
By the way what are u really studying as in ur subjects and all?
I am just wondering cuz u seem pretty interested in psychology.I guess!So is it what u are studying?:)Anywayz i quite into psychology myself so tht is the reason i like HOPE.
Good work!:)


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