Friday, November 17, 2006

If thoughts are strong, then actions also can be.

As both of us has limited time so I keep it as short as possible.

Life is cruel as we all know rather assume. You have to accept that it isn't that bad. It is us ourselves which limits our capabilites to achieve and fight back. We always think that we can't do this, it won't happen, how would I deal with all this? Don't even underestimate yourself, if you want you can but you are never ever allowed to underestimate the human inside you. The creature which God created with love, has so much power, endurance and ability in it but nothing comes for free. You gotta have an Optimistic attitude and Positive view over life to be that being in real sense. Replace can't with can and see the magic. Simple law of nature, if you think you can't, you just can't. Negativity attracts nothing. Positive attracts every Good thing. If you think negative/low, you have already lost the battle before it has even started. Dream big, it doesn't cost a penny and then be realistic and work hard to achieve it. Even accept failures and learn from it. Failures and Sacrifices is a step of the success ladder. Without it you just can't reach. It needs courage and hell lotta self-respect but then if you have faith in yourself and in God then YOU CAN, JUST DO IT! The world is infront of you, go and just conquer it with love,
with love Raheel Lakhani.


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