Friday, December 22, 2006


Smile does it for everyone. Just a smile. Have you ever received a smile from stranger? It is so selfless that it just gets into deepest chord of your heart. You know it is not fake. You can feel the warmth and the joy. Even fake smiles work. It has a fair chance to make you happy but more than that it does make other people feel special. Smile to everyone, even if that person is a stranger. Who knows that smile can change that person life forever. Who knows that smile can vanish some anxiety/worry which had a strong potential to make a huge lost afterwards. Who knows that smile can give him/her a zeal to live.

Pass it on with a smile :)


At 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely post Raheel and you are so very right ... even if the smile is not bringing some major chage but still it can cherish your heart for few seconds or even more and same goes for others .....!

Nice thoughts ...!

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Hira said...

true...n thanx for commenting...


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