We desperately need to change.
As you know today is World's Aids Day. I was watching television and a HIV+ person was being interviewed. When the interviewer asked him about people's attitude towards him. He started by saying that the media and health agencies scare people more instead of alerting them. I saw tears in his eyes, he was crying from inside and looking that I cried too. I just know. People say eyes speak and I always thought how rubbish but they do I ealized it today in a strange way. Back to the topic. I guess you know what AIDS it correctly, if not then do some research. We know that we have to be safe, be informed and be alert. But have we ever thought of the person who has already been affected. Who knows it was his/her mistake or not. If s/he committed a mistake so what. They are afterall human. Don't we need to care or atleast shutup. It is the society's attitude which kills even more. Such patients already go with so much emotional and psychological turmoil that people make it even worse when they try to throw them out. We are scared because we are not informed and above all we are scared to question.
That was a patient. Hate disease and not the patient. The day is just a small reason to convey the most important message. This is not only about that patient. Many of us doesn't even know a single HIV+ person in our lives but there are other human beings to whom we hurt them with our attitudes and harshness. I also do. Such a shame. Would you ever want tears in someone eyes?! If it was so painful for me to see that person crying then how sad would people actually feel. Just think. Don't hurt anybody, Raheel you listen too and also act on improving it. I also learned one more thing that receiving a smile even from a stranger feels so good.
Please pass on the message.
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