I thought the best way to start this blog will be by an article written on prayers so here it is.
We all want to have satisfaction and peace in our lives. We all want God to answer our prayers. We all want to be loved and respected by others and in due course we also enjoy our share. But have we ever expressed our gratitude to these people? Have we ever offered them something in return? The best thing to offer to those who have brought even the slightest joy in your life is your sincere Prayers for them.
We, selfish beings always pray for ourselves. We ask better things for us and we can't even tolerate a glimpse of anybody else's progress. In actuality, it should be the other way round. Try this once.. just once, spare a prayer for others and for humanity too while praying for yourself and I bet you, your prayers will be answered soon and the amount of happiness, satisfaction and virtue that you'll obtain from it is unmatchable to any other joy of the world. So the next time when you are conversing with my and yours dear God, do remember me and others in your prayers.