New Year and all the old things repackaged to make it feel NEW!
With a year approaching its end, we are getting closer to a new year, a new beginning. We all think that a whole bunch of things are left that we want to achieve in our lives. New year brings us an opportunity to reflect upon our past and plan for our future, and above all it acts like a catalyst as we are always excited about trying new things at fresh times. Even though it is an superficial impose change, but when we programme our minds consciously or subconsciously we get that motivation to do that as in the case with the new year. So how to get what you want this year or how to increase the chances of getting it. I have devised a plan similar to one I got in an email but then I edited most of it =p to make it more realistic.
1) You need to have a dream. If you are dreamless then you're dead so betta start imagining your vision.
2) Think good thoughts. Your vibrations attract the result. If you will think negative then you won't take that extra step and the result will be failure without any thought. I have already wrote much about it the blog before.
3) Discover your potentials. Deposited within every one of us isa huge deposit of diamond that we all need to discover. Lifebecomes easy for us if we are able to discover our potentials andmake use of them.
4) Believe in yourself. Everything is going according to the plan devised above but if you don't believe yourself and how will you convince others about it. You betta believe your ideas and your potentials and everything related to make others believe.
5) Learn, learn and learn! There is no shortcut. You gotta see how much you have achieved. Enjoy that slice of success and then don't sit down. Exercise! Exercise your mind. Try to learn from others who are sincere. People who critique you to underestimate you and there words doesn't weigh power just let those words enter one ear and get out in a second from the other. Also try to learn what good you and your God want to say to you. That gives motivation.
6) Never give up! Troubles and difficulties in your path is waiting for you to get slipped. But then you should be rock solid hard. Nothing comes easy in life, but then it doesn't mean that it never comes at all, you just gotta word hard and those stones will automatically shed into sand.
7) Action and Faith. Of what use is a dream thatis not backed with ACTION? It is better not to dream at all thanhave one and not act on it. Acting on one's dream is whatmakes the difference. Your dreams can become a reality if youcan ACT on it.Nothing will bring you result apart from action! If you are not ready to act, then you are not prepared to reap the reward. Do your best, have faith in God and let Him decide and do it all for you after you have done yoru part.
I wish you all a very Happy, Successful and Prosperous New Year.
Now go party and do some work from 2nd, no later or else you'll sulk. But you can start dreaming just now.